Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Mission Statement Sounds Too Formal

Why am I writing this blog? Because having become recently unemployed, I have a lot of free time on my hands when not applying for jobs. Besides, even if you have a great paying job and tons of money, who doesn't like free stuff? I mean good free stuff, not a free sticker if you send a SASE off to some place (although I do love stickers). So, these are my personal tried and true ways I've gotten awesome things without spamming a bunch of people, signing up for "deals" that result in my getting a million junk emails a day and other unscrupulous tactics. If you have any other suggestions, please let me know. I'm happy to try new things and let's be honest, I've got nothing but time on my hands, and they say idle hands are the work of the devil so let's get busy shall we? 

Oh and protip #1: get a junk email account if you are concerned with an influx of emails. This is also handy advice should you find your inbox overrun with companies letting you know about their latest sales. I like to use one email for stores/promotions/contests and other things I probably won't miss should I not check my email constantly and another email that has really important things I know I'll check (don't want to lose a job offer amongst the sale ads). If you're really slick, you'll set up your email with labels and filters and have it take care of all this for you in one handy place. But do whatever you find easier.

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